LIT Programme

Reach your full potential and grow in your leadership abilities with the LiT programme.

Keen to get involved? Register Below!

New to leading at Tōtara?

Want to give it a go with support? The Leader in Training (LiT) programme is the place for you. Each LiT will be encouraged to grow in their leadership abilities by being part of a cabin, walking alongside more experienced leaders, as well as being mentored by a designated Leader in Training Coordinator.

As an LiT, you will get to help behind the scenes and become an integral part of making camp run smoothly, while they have time to build their relationship with God through the fun of Christian Camping.

To be a part of the LiT programme you must be aged 14 or older.

Apply now for our upcoming kids camps

"I loved being an LIT so much I wish I never had to grow up"

"I loved being an LIT so much I wish I never had to grow up"

Help! how do I register?

Click on the linked photo above and enter code 'VOL' to register. If you are a first-time leader, please also fill out the form here.


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